Annabelle Marie turned two months last week :) She is becoming her own little person now, and it is so much fun watching her grow. Here are a few things that she has accomplished her first two months and things that we adore about her.
* Your long skinny fingers and your long toes that curl up when I touch the bottom of your foot.
* The cutest lips in the world and a little pouty bottom lip (thank daddy for those lips)
* The way you look so beautiful in white and PINK ....of course :)
* When we take baths together you love it! You always want to lean your head back in the water.
* Love how you smile in your sleep
* I love how you make me want to be a better mom everyday
* When you wrap your fingers around my finger when I'm feeding you, and then look up at me.......priceless
* You always manage to get at least one arm out of your swaddle...strong baby.
* You rolled from your stomach to your back 3 times one morning! Brad and I were the only witnesses... but it DID HAPPEN :)
* How you are all girl... high maintenance, demanding, and cry for no good reason (Brad blames it on my "juicy couture" diaper bag. You are a true little princess.
* How you smile every time you see your daddy and your eyes follow him in the room.
* I love your cute little elf ears because they look like mine.
* How you pucker your lips and arch your neck back when you sleep
* The way you look in your swaddle aka straight jacket. It's really the only way to calm you down.
* Your strong little neck and how you move your head right to left... always checking out your surroundings.
* I love your body stretches after naps. You arch your back and bring both arms fully stretched out above you head and then usually yawn.... so stickin cute :)
* When I sing to you in your rocking chair.. you calm down and look at me. Thanks for making me feel like I can carry a tune :)
* These new little spit bubbles you do out of your mouth. Its amazing where do they all come from?
* Your cute little whimper sound you make after I calm you down from a crying episode. It's like you want me to know how upset you were.
* Its no longer just jump in the car to run errands. Your stroller and car seat are heavy! It makes my shopping trips way more difficult. I can't wait till your bigger and we can shop together!!!! ahhh how fun :) Brad hide your credit cards hehehe
* How we spent your first two weeks on the downstairs couch because you woke up every hour to feed.
* Your beautiful blue eyes and long eyelashes* I love how you no longer scream when I change your diaper
* Your still so small and not an ounce of pudge on you!! Good thing I would probably be pinching you all the time.
* How your tiny feet and hands are always ice cold... just like mine :)
* You are still screaming like crazy every time you wake up!!!
* Your happiest time of the day is at 6 a.m. you smile the most and are so alert. sorry daddy and I are still half asleep, but we somehow get a kick out of you smiling at us :) what a way to start the day!