
Ok, so I gave a little shout out to Brad on my last post. Now it's my turn to tell Annabelle how much I love her :) Trying to go with the "song theme"...... this one is short and sweet... and says it all.


You are my sunshine
My only sunshine
You make me happy, when skies are gray
You never know dear, how much I love you
Please don't take my sunshine away.

She is getting much more content, and will let me put her down without crying! She sits in here while I do the dishes in the morning.

Annabelle's first day at church~ this is us hanging out in the mother's room. I was out nursing in the car, until Brad found the mothers room for us (I thought the church didn't have one) Duh I guess all LDS church buildingss have one... YES!! It even has a sink :)

Not sure if you can see close up but this is Annabelle with her baby acne... ohhh how sad. You hate to see that beautiful face with acne :( Luckily it is all gone now!!!!! yay
Don't be ashamed girl... all babies get it.

I love the country sunsets they are so beautiful!!! This is in our back yard. This made my day :)

I guess it's a tie!!!! We both love her SO MUCH :)