After having intense contractions coming and going for a week, and many many, many long walks in the early morning hours to try to keep my contractions going.... I decided I wanted to be induced. It was just too emotionally draining to prepare for the hospital and then all of a sudden the labor pains would stop. Annoying! Luckily, my mom was a trooper and my walking buddy during all of this.
The morning I got to the hospital they gave me this magic little pill that helps thin out your cervix. Soon after that, my body kicked into full gear and labor pains were coming on strong! Luckily, I didn't need the potosin. I do wish I had asked for the epidural sooner.. because boy did the contractions start coming hard and fast. I used the exercise ball this time and it was kinda different (still painful) but after about an hour of contractions I got the magic epidural... awwww yes :) And just like with Annabelle it was a few pushes and she was out!!! I was in shock to see all the dark Hair!
It was so fun to have Annabelle come to the hospital. She was saying "baby sister, baby sister" When we asked her to hold Baby June we put her on Annabelle's lap and she was just giggling and laughing... it was so cute! So presenting BABY JUNE FISHER!!!!!